Upgrade LCM on Nutanix Cluster Without Internet Connectivity.

To upgrade the LCM in a Prism element which don’t have internet access we need to download the LCM dark site repository from Nutanix site. Log in to Nutanix portal using your account and navigate to Downloads section then Tools and Firmware tab. Then select the “LCM Dark Site Bundle <<version>>” which you need to update the LCM version. The available version when writing this article is 2.2 and required file is “lcm_dark_site_bundle_2.2.11203.tar.gz”

Once you download it, let’s move to IIS web server. On your IIS server open the IIS manager. Under the Default Web Site (or whatever your chosen web directory) right click and select Add virtual Directory option.

Set the Alias and Physical path as follows. And then press OK to set the virtual directory.

In IIS manager select newly created directory and double click on Directory Browsing.

Then click Enable on right hand side panel to enable directory browsing.

Add new MIME type as follows.

Se the permission in release folder to “Full Control” IIS users. Some permissions need to be set from physical folder level.

Copy the downloaded tar.gz file to release folder under “C:\inetpub\wwwroot\release” and extract it.

Login to Prism element. Go to LCM. Under Option go to advanced settings. In the following screen point LCM repository to your IIS server as follows.

Fetch update from URL to http://<<ip or FQDN of your IIS server>>/release/

Then you will be able to get the LCM upgraded to the desired version and perform upgrades as usual.

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